Thursday, July 29, 2004


You've got to laugh (haven't you?)

Now here's a real goody. There I was sitting quietly plugging away at the Python, when I got called into a meeting. Remember, I the project I am on is just on the cusp of closing down development on Release 2. During development we were told that if a Defect had existing in Release 1<\bold>, and the Customer  agreed,  we were to close it with a reason of "Improvement Suggestion". A lot of us thought this was a bit strange at the time, but if people want to play games with numbers, who am I to stop them.

The smart one's out there will guess what is coming. Despite the fact that most of the developers are leaving today, someone has decided that all this rump of defects suddenly have to be fixed!

Oh my goodness! This is going to be fun!! 

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Another day, another presentation

Gosh! That was fun! Just finished giving a presentation on an application which is in the process of being "handed over". The bit I was presenting wasn't too exciting (just some interfaces and the printed "input documents" associated with them). And before you ask, yes there are still places where they print something on one computer system and then key it into another!

It was nice to meet some new people but I don't see me having many dealings with them in the future.

In the meanwhile, I've started looking around for the next engagement. On the off chance - any offers? You know the kind of thing: "Handsome (ish) Business Analyst with loads of experience seeks gainful employment. Preferably in Duhallow or County Cork, but anywhere considered. Have laptop, will travel". 

Oh, and the Python is a lot of fun. I do a bit of recreational programming in the evenings. It's the first time I've been able to settle down to something like that (especially without someone chasing me about it) for years and years. I can see why it is so popular with the Xtreme Programming guys.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Great to be back...

I've just returned from vacation. Leaving the family and going off to work was a bit of a wrench. Quite frankly it left me feeling a little depressed.

I turned up at work today and found that any worries I had about things falling apart in my absence were unfounded. In fact the worst thing that had happened was that a "(ro)bot" had disabled one userid because I hadn't changed my password in response to a couple of notes it had sent me while I was away. That took a few minutes to fix, but apart from that nothing bad at all, except for the pile of boring eMail.

Still, it's great to be back (no, I don't really mean it).

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