Tuesday, January 11, 2005


In perspective

I felt rather depressed at the weekend. Nothing in particular, just lacking energy and reluctant to start, let alone finish anything. On Monday (yesterday) I had to drive across the north of England (Northumberland, skirting Carlisle and down into Cumbria). There was widespread evidence of flooding. In two places roads were still closed and I had to take a detour. A swollen river can definately look a bit threatening and the presence of mud on the road reminded me that some time in the recent past the road I was driving on must have been under water as well. All I can say is, combined with what I've seen on the news and in the papers, it serves to drive home the significance of what has happened in the Indian Ocean. Actually it doesn't make me feel that much better, but it does make me realise that maybe I have less to feel grumpy about than many.

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