Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The satisfaction of closing stuff down

It's eight thirty in the evening, and for a change I'm at home with the family. Sitting here glancing out of the window, across the valley and listening, in a detached kind of way, to the narration to a nature program on the TV (probably RTE 2, but I'm not sure).

This is the first week of vacation I've given myself in ages (I really don't know how long). Most people wouldn't see what I've been doing as a vacation but to me it has been great. I've completed one little plumbing project and that has given me an enormous feeling of satisfaction. I've also marked a large number of examination scripts. That has given me less pleasure, but still a feeling of satisfaction. I've got my wife's new laptop connecting to the wireless network (in fact, I'm using that machine right now).

And the best thing of all... the week isn't over yet. There is more to do, and more time to do it. Tomorrow is the day to sort out some domain names. It's going to be fun!

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