Monday, May 24, 2004


Hedgetrimming and 2 strokes in Kanturk

I spent a pleasant weekend (well, in practical terms, only Saturday) at home in North Cork (Eire). That's a awful lot of travelling for just one day at home. Work prevents me from spending as much time there as I would like.
I managed to trim two-thirds of the hedge around the back garden. The remaining third will have to wait, N will can do it if she finds time. Mind you, I don't know how she manages to fit in as much as she does anyway.
N had bought a new, smaller and lighter petrol hedge trimmer. We had grown ashamed of borrowing from the neighbours, and the task is really too much to attempt with had shears!
As always with starting small engines (particularly 2 strokes?), there seems to be
a "knack" with this one. After several attempts, I think I've got it now. The instructions N was given by the man who sold it to her were much clearer than the instructions in the manual, but isn't that often the way with instruction manuals.
Having so much fun will encourage me to keep looking for something suitable in Ireland.
I'd really like something in Duhallow, but realistically I suppose it will have to be Cork or Limerick.
Never mind, something will turn up!

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