Thursday, May 27, 2004
Waiting for the bugs to come crawling in...
Well... the systems is system test (has been for a while). I'm looking after the Analysis support for a couple of areas which have been given a low-ish priority. That means that at the moment they haven't had intense testing. While I wait for the inevitable bugs, I'm tidying up the list of outstanding change requests and have just started trawling throught function myself to see if I can pre-empt any of the bugs. All that is very important, but not too inspiring.
In the meanwhile, I've downloaded a couple of lectures (if that is the right word) from to listen to in the flat this evening.
I'm also starting to look seriously at the outline of a (non-fiction) book I'm planning. At the moment it is in the form of a huge mind-map constructed from post-its stuck on a couple of A0 pages. I think it has nearly gelled. I think that once I'm satisfied with the mind-map, I write it up as a sort-of powerpoint presentation. I've a fairly visual person, and the slides give me an opportunity to sketch outlines for illustrations, put down bullet points and store text snippets in the "presenter's notes". It is going to take a little while, but I'm going to get there.
Now, back to the grindstone!
In the meanwhile, I've downloaded a couple of lectures (if that is the right word) from to listen to in the flat this evening.
I'm also starting to look seriously at the outline of a (non-fiction) book I'm planning. At the moment it is in the form of a huge mind-map constructed from post-its stuck on a couple of A0 pages. I think it has nearly gelled. I think that once I'm satisfied with the mind-map, I write it up as a sort-of powerpoint presentation. I've a fairly visual person, and the slides give me an opportunity to sketch outlines for illustrations, put down bullet points and store text snippets in the "presenter's notes". It is going to take a little while, but I'm going to get there.
Now, back to the grindstone!