Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Another productive weekend in the London office

This Monday (yesterday) was a Bank Holiday. I was feeling a little down until I reviewed what I had done over the weekend. Actually, it was pretty good! I spent the weekend in London and I achieved a lot. The last stages of the office refurbishment are underway. The last order has been placed, and so far everything is within budget. I have even managed to slip in some minor improvements for no additional cost! The worst thing is that two of the items are on two-to-three week delivery. Well, that really isn't that bad. It means that I will have time to arrange for cover for the installation.

Apart from the office stuff, I managed to do a little in the garden. Again, I achieved rather more than I thought. Despite my good intentions about going "organic" I think I am still going to have to take recourse to chemicals to keep the more persistent weeds under control. The brambles and the bindweed (convolvulus infiltrate into my garden from next door and I always let them grow too long (in terms of both time and length).

Anyway, I'm back in the North-West for another week. I wonder what excitements it holds?

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