Monday, June 14, 2004


Rendering onto Caesar that which is Caesar's

I spent the weekend wrestling with tax and related forms. I'm not sure if it was entirely necessary, but it seemed to be a good idea to get it all out of the way.

The reason for the urgency (necessary or not) was that my wife is having problems with the Tax authorities in Eire. They say they want some evidence in the form of a document from the (British) Inland Revenue. I have a feeling they are not really being reasonable, as they are asking for something which will be produced in due course, but we would not normally have now. Since there is a chain of dependencies here, the easiest way out of it seems to be to get everything done as soon as possible, rather than in the normal matter of course.

Those who don't like dealing with bureaucracy should try dealing with two bureaucracies (plus a wife who's getting worried by it all)! Still, 'tis on it's way to the post box right now!

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