Wednesday, August 04, 2004


I've got bats in the belfry

No, this is not a description of my state of mind, rather it is a statement of fact (except I don't really have a belfry).

I was talking to my wife on the 'phone on Sunday evening and she told me that she had found a dead bat in a room (in the roof of our house) which we currently use as a store (until I get round to finishing the DIY). Naturally she was a bit concerned but thought that perhaps this was the explanation for some strange noises she had been hearing in that room. I have to admit I was both intrigued and mildly concerned. After all, there's not much I can do from this side of the Irish Sea.

Anyway, one cause for concern was that I know that bats are protected species (at least I knew that they were in the UK, and I know now that they are in Eire as well) and while I don't especially want them sharing my home, I don't want to get into any trouble either. A few minutes research on the internet got a couple of useful websites.

My wife got in touch the the Cork Bat Group and their fellow said "we were priviledged" and that we probably had "pipistrelles". He was very reassuring about the harm they could do us (practically none) and advised that we may have a hundred or so guests living between the sarking felt and the tiles and probably have a "maternity roost" which will be vacated during the autumn. Once the occupants have left, then we are allowed to block the entrance (but I'm inclined to see if I can put up a "bat box" in the garden).

Following instructions, my wife went outside at sunset, and to her surprise counted 20 bats making an exit in about half-an-hour. She, like me, was astonished. I had expected a few, but if she counted 20, then an estimate of a hundred may not be unreasonable.

Anyway, that is certainly the most exciting thing to happen in the early part of this week. The rest has been spent reviewing (rather boring) documentation. So, I'm still looking for that follow-up engagement. If there is anyone looking for a Business Analyst in: Kanturk, Duhallow, Cork or Limerick, just drop me a line. Remember - "same bat-time, same bat-channel" (da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, Batman!)

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