Thursday, August 05, 2004
Paint drying, grass growing, reviewing training material...
The background task of the day is reviewing training material. Most of it is right, so the task is pretty unexciting.I make it more bearable by breaking it into reasonable sized chunks and taking breaks. The chunks have allowed me to sub-contract part of the task (hooray!) and also to monitor my progress. Somehow it's a bit more reassuring to be able to say (even to oneself), "1 scenario (chunk) complete out of 2", rather than "1 inch of paper done out of 2 inches".I think there must be some slightly dodgy psychology involved there. And I'm afraid I'm not kidding about the inches of paper. The pile of "stuff" I received was 4 inches thick (you may substitute the word of your choice in place of "stuff").
I wish I was looking at those bats!
I wish I was looking at those bats!