Friday, June 17, 2005


Interfaces bl**dy interfaces

The job of the moment is interfaces (bl**dy interfaces!). I'm specifying some interfaces between an existing (and somewhat aged) system and a new system which is in the process of being built. The customer has outsourced the old system to one supplier and commissioned another supplier to build the new one. Maintaining clear communications with the other supplier and our customer is turning out to be something of a challenge but it is more interesting than the interfaces themselves (which, frankly, are quite simple).

On a quite unrelated point, I've been taking a "self-improvement" course called "effort free" from Lifetools. It amuses me and may do me some good. "effort free" provides some insights, one of which makes me associate myself with the "BUSY SID" character (believe me, that is not a good thing).

Everyone have a good weekend!

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